Established 1997
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Necklaces of Gems: A Biography of Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani

Necklaces of Gems: A Biography of Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani



ISBN: 1882216172
Author: Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Yahya At-Tadifi/Muhtar Holland
Publisher: Al-Baz Publishing
Pages: 603 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher:

by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Tadifi.A Biography of Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (may Allah be well pleased withhim), on the Marvelous Exploits of the Crown of the Saints, the Treasure-trove ofthe Pure, the Sultan of the Awliya', the Sublime Qutb, Shaikh Muhyi'd-din 'Abdal-Qadir al-Jilani.

Table of Contents

PrefaceHis birth (may Allah be well pleased with him).His studies (may Allah be well pleased with him).His entering the service of his Shaikh. The Shaikhs he met.His arrival in Baghdad.Repentance of highway robbers at his hands.His sojourn in the deserts and ruins.His friendship with Sh. Hammad ad-Dabbas.The Prophet (peace be upon him) spits in his mouth. His walking on air.His pupils and his intercession for them.What he said about al-Hallaj.Jews and Christians embrace Islam at his hands.The Sultan's opposition to him.His saying: "My foot is on the neck of every Saint of Allah."Increase of the Tigris in his days.His poetry.The jinn obey his orders.The jurists examine him.His conversation with the serpent.What has been handed down concerning his mediation (may Allah be wellpleased with him).Consensus concerning those who have powers of life and death.His giving of legal opinions according to the Shafi'i and Hanbali schools.His supplications (may Allah be well pleased with him).Mention of his wives (may Allah be well pleased with him).Mention of his children (may Allah be well pleased with him).Mention of his grandchildren (may Allah be well pleased with him).History of this composition.Mention of his offspring in Hama.His offspring in the village of Ya'u in the district of Aleppo.His offspring in Cairo / in Baghdad.Destruction of the zawiya ('convent') in Baghdad.Sultan Sulaiman orders the rebuilding of the Baghdad zawiya.His sermons in sessions [majalis]; his exhortations.His words concerning the Supreme Name of Allah.Eulogy of him by Shaikh Ahmad ar-Rifa'i.Withdrawal of the barbarians from Baghdad at his command.His performing the dawn prayer with the ablution of the night prayer.Marvels of the Shaikhs who praised him, including:Sh. Abu Bakr ibn Hawara?Sh. Muhammad ash-ShanbakiSh. Abu'l-Wafa' Muhammad KakisSh. Hammad ad-DabbasSh. 'Azzaz ibn Mustawdi'Sh. Mansur al-Bata'ihi / Sayyid Ahmad ar-Rifa'iSh. 'Adi ibn MusafirSh. 'Ali ibn al-HitiSh. Abu Ya'z al-MaghribiSh. Maslama as-SarujiSh. 'Uqayl al-ManbajiSh. 'Ali ibn Wahb ar-Rabi'iSh. Musa az-ZuwaliSh. RASLAN AD-DIMASHQISh. Abu'l-Najib as-SuhrawardiSh. Abu Muhammand ibn 'Abd al-BasriSh. Abu'l-Hasan al-JawsaqiBenefit of supplications answeredSh. 'Abd al-Rahman at-TafsunjiSh. Baqa ibn BatuSh. Abu Sa'id al-FilawiSh. Matar al-BadhiraniSh. Majid al-KurdiSh. Abu Madyan al-MaghribiSh. Abu'l-Barakat SakhrSh. Abu'l-Mafakhir 'Adi ibn Abi'l-BarakatSh. Yusuf al-HamadaniSh. Shihab ad-Din 'Umar as-SuhrawardiSh. Jakir al-KurdiSh. 'Uthman al-QurashiSh. Suwayd as-SanjariSh. Hayat ibn Qays al-HarraniSh. Abu 'Uthman ibn Marzuq al-Bata'ihiSh. Muhammad an-Na''alSh. Qudayb al-Ban al-MawsiliSh. 'Umar ibn Mas'ud al-BazzazSh. Makarim an-Nahr KhalisiSh. Khalifa an-Nahr MalakiSh. 'Abdullah Muhammad al-QurashiUseful remedy against dyspepsiaSh. Ibrahim al-A'zabSh. 'Ali ibn Idris al-Ya'qubiSh. 'Abdullah al-Jubba'iSh. Abu'l-Hasan 'Ali as-SabbaghShaikh 'Abd al-Qadir's Birthday

Conclusion of the Book with mention of some of his marvelous exploits.

Eulogy of him by 'Izz ad-Din ibn 'Abd as-SalamEulogy of him by al-Yafi'i in his HistoryHis sitting to give advice in the year 251.Eulogy of him by Muhyi'd-din an-NawawiOde in his praise by Qadi Abu Bakr.


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