Teachings of the Qur'an : Volume 2 Textbook : Elementary Level (Abidullah Ghazi, Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi)
ISBN: 1563161044
Author: Abidullah Ghazi, Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi
Publisher: Iqra' International Educational Foundation
Pages: 96 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This textbook, along with the workbook, is a unique source of the Quranic teachings related to Akhlaq for young Muslims. Seven lessons in the first section deal with the meaning of Islamic Akhlaq, its sources and foundation, as well as the personal, family, and social responsibilities of a Muslim. Obligation towards parents is discussed in detail. Sections II and III deal with right actions such as kind deeds, justice, trust, Sadaqah, self-sacrifice, etc. Also dealt with are wrong actions, for example mischief, making fun of others, lying, etc. Each lesson begins with a quote from the Quran as the source. This book may also be used at the upper elementary level.