ISBN: 9786039026723
Author: Salman al-Oadah
Publisher: Islam Today (2013)
Pages: 126 Binding: Paperback 6 x 9 x 0.25"
Description from the publisher:
It seems like everyone can talk about the etiquettes of disagreement in Islam, but few of us are able to put them into practice. It is easy to expect others to exhibit proper decorum when they disagree with us, but we fail to uphold the same high standards when we differ with them.
This is why we need to study the etiquettes in earnest. This art needs to be taught in our schools, colleges, and mosques. Our youth should be given practical training in debate so they can make these etiquettes a habit and even an aspect of their piety.
Yes, knowing how to disagree is an art of devotion, because in doing so, we obey Allah and put the Sunnah of our Prophet into practice.
This is something we all need to do. Political leaders need to observe the etiquettes of disagreement to uphold the rights of populace, even those who dissent. Parents need to observe these etiquettes so their children can grow as healthy individuals with their own thoughts and ideas.