Opening Towards Understanding the Best of Religions : Fat-Hud-Dayyan Fi Fiqhi Khairil Adyan : A Compendium of Muslim Theology and Jurisprudence, a Shafii Fiqh Book (Sayyid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Lebbai)
ISBN: 9789830650609
Author: Sayyid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Lebbai
Publisher: A.S. Noordeen (1999)
Pages: 535 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
'Fat-hud-dayyan, written in Arabic-Tamil and compiled by the renowned South Indian Sufi scholar Mapillai Alim, was in common use amongst the Muslims during the later part of the 1800 and the early part of 1900. With the Muslims taking seriously to the study of the English language the use of the Arabic-Tamil receded and today only the older generation are conversant with it.
Aniff-Doray, former headmaster of Zahira College, Sri Lanka, has devoted his time and energy to produce this translation. It is not an easy task to translate religious treatises such as the Fat-Hud-Dayyan from one language to another. The choice of words the use thereof in an easily understandable manner by the average person requires linguistic skill and understanding of the subject matter and Anif-Doray has succeeded, I should say, in full measure in presenting this English translation of fat-Hud-Dayyan.
This book contains the Shari'ah law dealing with the principles of Islam and the elements of Islamic Jurisprudence. I have great pleasure in commending this book to the English-reading Muslims'