Family Leadership, Qawamah : An Obligation to Fulfill, Not an Excuse to Abuse (Dr. Mohamed Rida Beshir)
ISBN: 9781590080566
Author: Dr. Mohamed Rida Beshir
Publisher: Amana Publications (2009)
Pages: 112 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This book discusses in details family leadership (Qawamah) in Islam and the many misconceptions that arise around this concept. It provides a detailed analysis on the subject from a variety of available literature and emphasizes that it is primarily an obligation to be fulfilled on part of the husband toward his family. It also provides many practical examples on the appropriate use of Qawamah as well as its inappropriate use.
ôà.an extremely valuable springboard for further discussion and consideration of a most timely topic that affects every Muslim family in North America. As a Muslim with a doctorate in clinical psychology, it is my professional recommendation that every mosque and Islamic center in North America should use Dr. BeshirÆs new book to lead in-depth study and discussion sessions about the role of family leadership within Islam.ö û Jerald F. Dirks, M.Div., Psy.D.
About the Author
DR. MOHAMED RIDA BESHIR is the co-author of four best-selling books on family issues and parenting: Parenting in the West, Muslim Teens, Blissful Marriage, and Parenting Skills as well as other parenting books in Arabic. Several of his parenting books have been translated to many other languages. Dr. Beshir, who is teaching two parenting courses with the Islamic American University, is a regular contributor to the family section of several Magazines and an adviser for the Islam online websiteÆs family section. Dr. Beshir is the recipient of several awards in the area of education from the City of Ottawa. He is an Engineer by profession, with over 30 years of experience in DaÆwa work in North America. He has held various volunteer elected positions with MSA, ISNA, and MAS on both national and local levels. He is a regular speaker in ISNA, ICNA, MSA, MAC and MAS conventions.
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