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An Introduction to the Hanbali Madhhab : A Complete Translation of al-Madkhal ila Madhhab al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal : Arabic and English (HARDCOVER)

An Introduction to the Hanbali Madhhab : A Complete Translation of al-Madkhal ila Madhhab al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal : Arabic and English (HARDCOVER)

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ISBN: 9781838489717
Author: Abd al-Qadir ibn Badran al-Dimashqi; Amr Abu Ayyub (translator)
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam (2021)
Pages: 900 Binding: Hardcover

Description from the publisher:

Masterful work by noted Syrian scholar Ibn Badran (d. 1927) wherein he details the Hanbali madhhab from its origins to its later form.

A well known work in Arabic, this is an introduction to the study of Madhhab Imam Ahmad (Rahimahu Allah): the Imam, the history of the school, its foundations, its particularities, the great imams, and books.

A complete translation of Ibn Badran’s masterpiece, al-Madkhal ila Madhhab al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

Ibn Taymiyyah said about al-Imam Ahmad, “He was the virtuous imam, and the complete leader with whom Allah clarified the truth, rejected falsehoods, clarified the correct methodology and repudiated the innovations of innovators, the heresies of heretics, and the doubts of the doubtful.� [Bayan Talbis al-Jahmiyyah (3/312)]

Al-Subki said, “He was the virtuous imam and the leader of a way of thought. He was patient during the midst of his inquisition. He was the teacher and exemplar of Ahl al-Sunnah.� [Tabagāt al-Shafi’iyyah al-Kubra (2/27)]

Al-Shafi'i said of him, “Ahmad is an imam in eight characteristics: He is an imam in hadīth, an imam in jurisprudence, an imam in language, an imam in Qur’an, an imam in poverty, an imam in asceticism, an imam in abstinence, and an imam in Sunnah.� [Tabaqat al-Hanabilah of Ibn Abi Ya’la (1/5)]

Al-Ustadh Ad-ham al-Junaydi stated, “Ibn Badran was skilled in all rational, literary, and mathematical sciences. He was encyclopedic in his knowledge of law and grammar. He was truly an authority. He was a virtuous shaykh, forsaking the vanities of this world, austere in his dress, home, and life.� [Alam al-Adab wal-Fan (1/224-225)]

Al-Shaykh Muhammad Bahjat al-Bayhar said, “He had high aspirations and many efforts in reviving the religious and scholarly awakening in the Levant. He resembled the scholars of the Salaf in that he taught in private, preached in public, authored books, and forsook the vanities of the worldly life.� [In the introduction of Munadamat al-Atlal]

About The Author

Abdul Qadir ibn Ahmad ibn Mustafa ibn Abdur-Rahim ibn Muhammad ibn Abdur-Rahim Ibn Badran As-Sa'di Ad-Dumi Ad-Dimashqi Al-Hanbali was Born in the year 1265 AH to a righteous family. He learned the rules of tajwid and Qur’an from Shaikh Ahmad ibn Abdul Majid and Ad-Dalil ut-Talib from his grandfather along with a number of other texts. Then he went to Dimashq where he benefitted from the great scholars of Hadith.

He also took up residence with Imam as-Shami in Duma where he studied the Kashf ul-Mukhdarat of Imam Abdur-Rahman ibn `Abdullah Al-Ba'li (d. 1192 AH)

He was a great Hanbali scholar of his time, who has devoted his life to knowledge.


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