The Three Fundamental Principles of Islam & Their Proofs : A Study Book (Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid Alam)
Author: Sh. Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab; ABU KHADEEJAH ABDUL WAHID ALAM
Publisher: Salafi Publication
Pages: 100 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (died 752H) stated: 'The two feet of a person who stands before Allaah on the Day of Resrrection will not move until he is asked regarding two matters: 'What was is that you worshipped? And what was your response to the Messengers?' The answer to the first question is by actualisation of the words; 'none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah' with knowledge; affirmation and action. The answer to the second question is by actualisation of the words; 'Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah' with knowledge; affirmation; submission and obedience'.
From these words it becomes clear the tremendous importance of the treatise befire us whose subject matter is: to single out Allaah alone in his Lordship and worship; and the tremendous importance and station of the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him); and that his is the example to be followed. The great scholar; Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (died 1206H) compiled this treatise in a manner that is easy to understand and memorise; each point being coupled with a proof.